Undergraduate Studies

The Bachelor of Law Degree


The Political Pedagogical Project (PPP) of the Bachelor of Law Undergraduate Program is the result of a dialogic process between the University of São Paulo and the civil society, with a view to the confrontation of some challenges to the Brazilian Law in the XXI century.  The first of them is the strengthening of the relationship between Law and Development, in order to ensure the effective integration of Law in determining social and political outcomes in developing societies. In order to achieve this, it started to be considered fundamental, in recent years, the establishment of Law courses with a vocation for research excellence, critical and interdisciplinary, as well as the internalization of legal courses in the country.


Another challenge is related with the undergraduates education, particularly the need of developing skills in areas considered essentials today and, at the same time, lacking a meaningful and detailed theoretical reflection, such as: Bioethics, Human Rights (with emphasis on rights and minorities protection) and regional urban and rural (Agrarian and Agribusiness Law) development.


To succeed on these challenges, the FDRP/USP Project is built in a new configuration about the role of Law and the professionals in in the field, having as main goal a education that enables the bachelor to be able to investigate and analyze social phenomena in a complex manner, identify social issues and demands and contribute in the conflict resolution and in the elaboration process of local, regional and national public policies, not only under the legal point of view, but in a multidisciplinary context.


According to the PPP, the FDRP’s challenge is “suppress the gap between the teaching of Law and the social reality, as well as between their own areas of legal knowledge, which requires changes in the traditional model of Law teaching”.


Because of this, the PPP recognizes the need of change in the traditional legal culture and proposes to develop the activities of teaching, research and extension of the Law course in an interdisciplinary way.


The course’s structure of FDRP/USP maintains the disciplines provided in the Law School of São Paulo (FD/USP) course, but innovates by extending the curriculum content and by proposing the strengthening of extracurricular activities. The extra academic activities, such as internships, cultural acts and action in partnership with  other courses and Schools of USP , provides  experience for students and professors in various socials contexts . Under PPP terms, the curricular structure of the course aims to combine science and experience; the exercise of theory and practice, with equal dignity, because it comprehends that it is in the dimension of the given experiences in the concrete reality that Law can be understood in a critically and transforming way of the Brazilian reality, seeking the expansion of the democracy and the realization of social justice.


Most of the Professors are full time, and all of them PhD holders. This, as well as the creation and strengthening of several groups and centers of research and extra academic activities, with emphasis in themes connected to the regional development and to interdisciplinary approaches, demonstrates the commitment of the University of São Paulo in creating a School of excellence with strong vocation to research and actions to the community,  in order to contribute to the rupture of a historical, secular in the country, of Law courses centered only on technical and dogmatic formation of the bachelor. These initial data demonstrates the vocation to the research of the FDRP/USP professors.

More Information

Vittoria Zuccolo Phone: +55 16 3315-0100 Email: international.lawrp@usp.br