The main goal of the Law and Inequalities Research Center (Centro de Estudos sobre Direito e Desigualdades – CEDD) is to develop research, teaching and extension programs, through multidisciplinary research teams, focusing on the theme of inequality, in its many dimensions, and its connections to Law, the justice system and citizenship. It aims to produce key knowledge that can help evaluate public policies and social interventions, analyze legal text and build mechanisms to study and monitor the Brazilian justice system, as well as offer suggestions for the improvement of public policies. It is expected that CEDD can favor the expansion of academic production in Law fields related to inequality, considering the need for deep analysis and critique on the matter, the challenge of interdisciplinarity and the need for new methodological perspectives and theoretical approaches to law research in the country.
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Eder Goncalves de Pádua
Phone: +55 16 3315-0100
Law School of Ribeirão Preto
Av. Bandeirantes, 3900 - Monte Alegre - Ribeirão Preto - SP - CEP 14040-906.
Campus USP - Rua Prof. Aymar Baptista Prado, 835
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