The research groups registered in the CNPq research groups directory are listed below:
The Ethical-Moral Dimension and Law
Leader: Rubens Beçak
The transformation of Labor Law in post-modern society and its impacts on the labor market
Leader: Jair Aparecido Cardoso
Chinese-Brazilian Studies: business and society
Leader: Eduardo Saad Diniz
Leader: Alessandro Hirata
DIPSIN – Research group in Law, Psychology and Neuroscience
Leader: Sérgio Nojiri
GEMTE-BRASIL – Study Group for Migration and Foreign Workers’ Rights in Brazil
Leader: Cynthia Soares Carneiro
Law Sociology and Socioenvironmental Rights Study and Research Group
Leader: Márcio Henrique Pereira Ponzilacqua
USP’s Prison System Applied Studies Group
Leader: Claudio do Prado Amaral
Metamorphosis – Law and Literature Study and Research Group
Leader: Iara Pereira Ribeiro
GEINT – Labor Standards Internationalization Study Group
Leader: Maria Hemília Fonseca
GDA – Administrative Law Research Group
Leader: Thiago Marrara
Roman Sources Research and Exegesis Group
Leader: Alessandro Hirata
Human Rights, Democracy and Inequalities Research Group
Leader: Fabiana Cristina Severi
Innovation, Management and Society Research Group
Leader: Eduardo Saad Diniz
Leader: Umberto Celli Junior
Brazilian Internet Bill of Rights Study Group
Leader: Cíntia Rosa Pereira de Lima
Legal authority over personal data on the internet
Leader: Cíntia Rosa Pereira de Lima
Human rights violation in the corporate world
Leader: Eduardo Saad Diniz
Eder Goncalves de Pádua
Phone: +55 16 3315-0100
Law School of Ribeirão Preto
Av. Bandeirantes, 3900 - Monte Alegre - Ribeirão Preto - SP - CEP 14040-906.
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