Foreign students and teachers have 30 (thirty) days from their arrival date in Brazil to register with the Federal Police in the city he/she will live, in order to obtain their RNE, which allows for a foreigner ID card to be issued in their name. All procedures related to this registration must happen in collaboration with the Support Center for Foreign Teachers and Students (CAPEE), an office at the Ribeirão Preto USP campus. The Federal Police does not service USP students or teachers if they are not accompanied.
Students must inform the International Office in advance about their expected arrival date in Brazil; then, the International Office, along with CAPEE will schedule an appointment with the Federal Police in order to go through with this registration. CAPEE offers full support in every stage of the regularization process: filling out forms, notarizing copies, taking pictures, going to the bank to help with the payment of fees, etc. You will only need to take your original documentation. Federal Police appointments need to be previously scheduled, so it is important not to contact them or go straight to the Federal Police office without the company of a CAPEE employee.
The Federal Police requires the following documents to issue the RNE:
Support Center for Foreign Teachers and Students (CAPEE) at USP Ribeirão Preto
Phone: +55 16 3602-4926
Location: Rua das Paineiras, casa 4, USP-RP Campus
Vittoria Zuccolo Phone: +55 16 3315-0100 Email:
Law School of Ribeirão Preto
Av. Bandeirantes, 3900 - Monte Alegre - Ribeirão Preto - SP - CEP 14040-906.
Campus USP - Rua Prof. Aymar Baptista Prado, 835
+55 16 3315.0115 -
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