About the university of São Paulo

The University of São Paulo (USP) is a Brazilian public institution that was created in 1934 and is maintained by the State of São Paulo. This means that students do not pay any fees in order to study at the University, which is entirely maintained by State taxes.


In the Brazilian system, public education is the one that keeps the highest standards in teaching, research and extension activities, the “tripod” that sustains Brazilian public universities. This is why USP rises in international rankings each year and is consistently in first place both in Brazil and in Latin America.


Our university has the country’s top researchers in its staff, which reflects on the quality of education at both an undergraduate and graduate level. There are 312 undergraduate programs offered to 58.823 enrolled students. There are also 222 graduate programs, with around 30.000 students. In addition to that, the University also values social responsibility, represented by the extension area: there are 934 different extracurricular courses involving specialization, improvement, updating and diffusion courses, with over 29,000 students.


One of USP’s objective is to develop a lively teaching atmosphere, which can keep up with the transformation of knowledge and establish constant dialogue with society in a productive integration of education, research and extension. There are nearly 6.000 professors, over 99% of them with doctorate degrees and 88% working exclusively in the University; 14.800 members of administrative staff and an annual budget of about $1,75 billion (in 2015).


The USP campus in Ribeirão Preto is widely recognized for both its beautiful park-like setting and its academic excellence. Originally planned in the 1950s as a health sciences campus (medical and nursing sciences, pharmaceutical sciences, dentistry), several academic specialties were gradually added, such as physics and mathematics, information technology, chemistry, biology, psychology and education. More recently, a School of Economics, Business Administration and Accounting, a Law School, a School of Physical Education and an undergraduate program in Music were created. Thus, the Campus of Ribeirão Preto now is not only the second largest USP campus in terms of academic specialties, but also in terms of scientific production.

More Information

Vittoria Zuccolo Phone: +55 16 3315-0100 Email: international.lawrp@usp.br