About FDRP

The Law School of Ribeirão Preto was created with the purpose of developing a project focused on excellence in the field of legal knowledge. The founders of this new School intend to turn Ribeirão Preto into a reference for public spirit in the search for harmony and development, while also aware of the role Law plays in avoiding conflict and solving it, if necessary, constantly inspired by a sense of Justice, as well as of the fact that in the modern world, tense situations are often aggravated by conflicts of interests. Ribeirão Preto has all the material and intellectual tools it needs to be consolidated as a true cultural capital for a large part of Brazil and, along the same constructive thinking line, studying and teaching of Law becomes essential. A modern, multidisciplinary and humanist curriculum was elaborated for this new program, keeping in mind the critical power of academic thinking, hoping that this new School can follow on the most creative footsteps of its older sister, the Law School of São Paulo, which, as it celebrates its 108th birthday, supports the founding of this new institution. We intend for legal knowledge, within its possible ramifications in the 21st century, to be constituted and diffused through a public institution of USP’s caliber, helping to build an inclusive society in Ribeirão Preto.


Antonio Junqueira de Azevedo

“in memoriam”

“Pro tempore” Dean from April 2007 to February 2009



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More Information

Vittoria Zuccolo Phone: +55 16 3315-0100 Email: international.lawrp@usp.br